Thursday, July 15, 2010

BrizVegas hosting LCA in Jan 2011

Great excitement - we're hosting the hugely popular grass-roots Linux conference in my home town of Brisbane, Australia in January 2011.

The conference does the rounds of cities in Australia and New Zealand, and was last in Brisbane in 2002.

For those overseas Brisbane is around an hours drive north of the Gold Coast holiday beaches and is a balmy 30 degrees C (around 85F) in January. So bring your bathing suit. :-)

Yours truly is on the organising committee for lca2011 and we've been toiling away to get the website up and running; and to put together the Call for Papers.

Both went live last night. Whew.

This years conference will have all the things that have become part of, like the mini-confs (I'm lca2011 mini-conf organizer), tutorials, and talks. There'll be some great keynote speakers, and the fun Free and Open Sources community vibe.

The conference will be hosted at QUT in Gardens Point, and some functions will be at the Brisbane Convention & Entertainment Center on the other side of the river.

Of course there's lots more work to do yet, but we've hit a milestone and things are looking good.

Onward to 6 months time and January 2011 - see y'all then in Brisbane.